Journey Jotters

Bitten by the travel bug

Hi there, and welcome to!

JourneyJotters is an endeavor to capture the spirit of my family’s travels. Over the last three years, my family of four has been fortunate enough to take several trips across the globe. Travel has become a passion, and our goal is to try and fit in as many journeys as possible before the children leave home for college and beyond. The essence of those trips remains as cherished memories and unforgettable experiences. My fond hope is to be able to put to digital ink our current and future trips.

The JourneyJotters family includes me, a 40ish professional with a day job, my husband, Mr. JJ, our teenager, Missy JJ, and her brother, Sonny JJ.

From sparkling blue waters to emerald green plains to red sandstone cliffs, every journey is unique and captivating in its own way. I hope you will join us as we explore different places, cultures, experiences and savor them in the comfort of your own space.